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Effective May 1, 2024, masks are recommended at all ICHS clinics and sites. ICHS is a health care facility. Please keep yourself and others safe.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving

ICHS Planned Giving webpage photo

Leave a legacy that will provide families the care they need to thrive for generations to come

International Community Health Services (ICHS) serves as a health safety net for vulnerable families in our community thanks to generous donors like you. When you include ICHS in your estate planning, you’ll join us in our efforts to ensure that in the future, children, adults and elders in our community will have access to the comprehensive health care they need, without barriers such as language or ability to pay.

Why include ICHS in your planned giving?

By including ICHS in your estate plan, you can create a lasting legacy of support.

Since our founding over 50 years ago, we have been providing culturally and linguistically appropriate health and wellness services, promoting health equity for all. ICHS provides care in over 70 languages. At ICHS, no one is turned away for care. It doesn't matter who they are, what their background is or whether they can afford to pay. That’s why every year, ICHS provides charity care for patients who have little or no insurance.

Planned giving is an accessible way to align your values with your legacy and can be surprisingly easy! An estate plan ensures that your assets will be managed and dispersed in a way that priorities your values and wishes. You can make an estate plan at any age and dedicate shares of your estate to people important to you, as well as organizations like ICHS that hold significance for you.

You can also honor a friend or family member by making a memorial gift.

Your commitment will help ensure that our 30,000+ patients every year receive the thoughtful, affordable, and culturally specific care they need.

If you have named ICHS in your will or trust, please let us know so we can ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes. Notifying us of your plans will enable us to plan for the use of your future gift. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, we will keep your name and gift in strict confidence.

Ways to include ICHS in your estate planning

ICHS has partnered with FreeWill to provide an easy, FREE way to make a will, and make sure your loved ones are taken care of. This straightforward tool allows you to make or update your will in less than 20 minutes! There’s no obligation, but please consider a gift to ICHS to ensure health equity for generations of people to come. Make your free will now.

You may choose to designate ICHS as a beneficiary of a specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate. This commitment can be made outright, or contingent upon the passing of a named benefactor. For your convenience, we have included sample legal language to share with your legal advisor.

Specific Sum of Money
Suggested language: “I give to ICHS Foundation, currently located at 720 8th Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98104, or its successor organization, the sum of (amount).”

Specific Property – this may include real estate, stocks, bonds, jewelry, works of art, or other items. Unless the property is useful to ICHS, it will be sold, and the proceeds (less any appraisal or selling costs) will be applied per the terms of the bequest.
Suggested language: “I give to ICHS Foundation, currently located at 720 8th Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98104, or its successor organization, (description of property).”

Rest and Residue of Estate – this would leave ICHS all or a percentage of what remains of the estate after paying debts, taxes, expenses and other bequests.
Suggested language: “I give to ICHS Foundation, currently located at 720 8th Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98104, or its successor organization, all (or state percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate…”

Contingent Bequest – this gift takes place only if the will-maker is not survived by certain individuals
Suggested language: “If (name/s of primary beneficiary/ies) does not survive me, or shall die within (90) days from the date of my death, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give to ICHS Foundation, currently located at 720 8th Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98104, or its successor organization, (describe amount of cash, property, or percentage of residual estate)…”

If you no longer need your life insurance policy, and you would like a way to reduce the size of your estate, you can name ICHS as the primary beneficiary of your policy. By doing so, you can realize a federal estate tax deduction while helping ICHS continue to serve our patients.

You can select ICHS to be the sole or partial beneficiary of your IRA, 401k plan, or other retirement plan. As a tax-exempt organization, ICHS will not pay income tax on your gift, and will receive the full amount to continue vital programs and services.

Highlights of ICHS’ ongoing and long-term impacts

  • Our team of 600+ staff provide integrated primary care at four clinic sites across King County to over 30,000 patients
  • ICHS’ Patient Navigator Program brings specialists to address the social determinants of health needs of our patients
  • ICHS provides care and support at our school-based health centers in partnership with the Seattle and Bellevue school districts
  • Expanding our reach and services through the AiPACE capital campaign to build a senior care facility in Seattle's Beacon Hill neighborhood
  • Offering a full range of Healthy Aging and Wellness services to care for seniors, from adult-day programs to assisted living, in the heart of Seattle’s Chinatown-International District

Already included us in your estate plan? Let us know

We hope you will consider a gift to ICHS in your will, living trust, or other estate document. If you do, please let us know. We want to make sure that we can realize your philanthropic goals.

Contact us

ICHS Foundation staff members are available to provide further information and to discuss your giving options. We invite you to contact our development team.

Attn: ICHS Foundation
720 8th Ave S, 2nd Fl
Seattle, WA 98104

Emma Sullivan, Donor Relations Administrator
206.709.5987 | Email


  • All charitable gifts should be directed to ICHS Foundation – a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
  • Tax ID: 26-0493856
  • DISCLAIMER: ICHS cannot render legal, accounting, or other professional services. Please contact your own legal and/or tax advisors for professional advice.

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