Introducing ICHS’ 2025 Lunar New Year Luncheon – the Healthcare for All Benefit

Save the Date for this important opportunity to invest in health equity!
International Community Health Services Foundation is pleased to announce that the organization will launch a new fundraising event on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Proceeds from the Healthcare for All Benefit will go directly to provide comprehensive health care to low income children, adults, and older adults who are uninsured or underinsured, including immigrants and refugees.
At ICHS, we advocate for health care as a human right. Since its inception over 50 years ago, ICHS has been a leader in advancing health equity in King County by meeting the changing health care needs of our traditionally marginalized communities. ICHS continues in its mission through the generosity of countless donors, the support of committed partners, and engaging the communities ICHS serves, raising awareness for ICHS initiatives to expand affordable health care access to all.
Since the inception of the ICHS Foundation, millions of dollars have been raised to directly cover health care expenses of our patients who would not be able to afford care otherwise. Access to affordable and culturally competent care changes lives. Thanks to the generosity of donors, people in our community are healthier and more empowered.
Throughout the years, ICHS Foundation has hosted numerous events such as the Lunar New Year 5k Run to bring the community together to benefit our mission. Though the 5k was an enjoyable event for many years, the time has come for the event to be retired, and the luncheon presents a wonderful opportunity to continue to support the ICHS mission.
Events provide an opportunity for ICHS to rally a community that cares for each other, and more importantly, our community is part of our mission. ICHS advocates for health as a human right, and fundraising is a vital part of how we achieve that.
We invite you to join ICHS in advocating for, and investing in health care for all.
For more information to be a table host or event sponsor, please contact Christine Consolacion, ICHS foundation manager. Or visit for more information.