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2018 National Health Center Week: Thank you ICHS heroes

2018 National Health Center Week: Thank you ICHS heroes

August 20, 2018
Careers at ICHS Healthcare Heroes

From Aug. 12 to 18, International Community Health Services marked National Health Center Week with celebrations that honored our health care heroes and their role making affordable health care available to people, families and communities throughout the region. ICHS looked to the past, present and future with a roundup of events.

A visit from Sharon Turner, U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration’s Region X administrator, recognized ICHS’ achievements as one of the nation’s highest performing health centers. Her visit was part of an announcement of $125 million in awards to 1,352 community health centers nationally and $3.8 million to health centers in Washington state.


HRSA announcement of a $249,174 federal grant awarded to ICHS for quality improvement at the International District clinic during National Health Center Week, Aug. 17, 2018.

Patty Murray | U.S. Senator

Community health centers play a critical role in making sure patients and families across Washington state, and across the country, have access to quality health care — which is why we need to make sure these centers have the resources they need. I’m glad we were able to reach a bipartisan agreement earlier this year to help community health centers support and enhance the great work they already do to make sure patients and families in all corners of our country have quality care within reach regardless of income, and I hope we can continue to build on that progress.

Patty Murray | U.S. Senator

Washington state senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray issued statements in support of the federal grants.

Maria Cantwell | U.S. Senator

Community health centers provide essential health care for many of Washington’s most vulnerable patients and communities. Many children and families throughout our state rely on community health centers for primary care, dental care, mental health and addiction services, and other important health needs. I’m proud to support our community health centers, and I’m glad we have secured more resources to foster innovation and deliver high-value care to families throughout Washington state.

Maria Cantwell | U.S. Senator

The installation of a historical exhibit in ICHS’ Shoreline Clinic gave a nod to the past and the health center's 45- year history.

Community members were invited to join the celebration with fun games and activities, and voter registration at our clinics in Bellevue, Holly Park and the International District.

Thank you to the many staff, community members, partners and friends who made this year’s National Health Center Week a success!

Click here and here to see more photos and highlights.


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